Showing posts with label Cooking with T. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cooking with T. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Farfalle with almond tarragon pesto (recipe in the comments from April 18, 2009)
Sliced tomatoes with chives

Hot tea
We tried this earlier in the spring and LOVED it. I knew it would be perfect when our summer tarragon plant was going nuts. Since the tarragon overwintered and began growing earlier than any of our annual herbs, we're already at the point where it needed a dramatic haircut. This was it. The pesto was again wonderful and, if anything, better with the freshest possible tarragon. I think the flavor was more intense. This is also SUCH an easy dinner. T and I made it this afternoon for a lovely family dinner. He picked the chives and insisted we use them, so I credit him with the side dish "recipe". The same cookbook this pesto is from has one for a tomato pesto an I expect we'll be trying that before too long here :)

Prep Notes
Difficulty: Super easy
Chopping: Tomatoes, chives
Time: 20 minutes
Make ahead: I think it would be fine to make the pesto early.

J: "The benefits of homegrown herbs."
M: "Summer-y goodness."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday - Ash Wednesday

Bree's lentil soup (recipe in the comments from March 3, 2008)
Grainy bread

Hot tea
We took T to get ashes this evening for the first time, so I knew we'd be running late for dinner for him. This was a perfect crock pot night and since vegetarian (we used veggie broth) was the way to go, our lentil soup seemed like a good idea (Get it - Lent-il????). T and I prepped it this morning and it was waiting for us when we got home. Somehow the lentils didn't get as soft as usual, but it still tastes very good. M and I put it on high for a couple hours while we fed T, got him ready for bed, and then did some household stuff and the lentils seem softer.

Prep Notes
Difficulty: Long unattended simmering (in a crock pot or on the stove), but super easy prep.
Chopping: Onion, garlic
Time: 20 minutes prep; 1, 4, or 8 hours of cooking
Make ahead: This is excellent leftover and I always freeze some for later.

J: "I wonder if T turned the crock pot down when I wasn't looking?"
M: "Good, but better softer."