Showing posts with label A great invention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A great invention. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Autumn/winter tortellini soup with carrots and spinach (recipe in the comments)
Grilled zucchini

Hot tea
Banana cream pie (Thank you Wegmans!)
M and I have a tortellini soup recipe we love (Tortellini and spinach in broth), so when I saw a somewhat similar recipe in the Wegman's Meal magazine for fall, I jumped on it. The problem was their version sounded really dull and potentially a bit too much like our old recipe. But I was convinced that the addition of the carrots would make a great richer more fall/winter soup. So, I tinkered and came up with a radically different soup than either our old one or the Wegman's recipe. The rich beef broth and the veggies combine with the nutmeg and balsamic for a wonderful result. We both think meat tortellinis would be best in this, but cheese or even pesto filled could work. T was a HUGE fan, having to be told repeatedly to use his spoon, not his hands on the soup!

Prep Notes
Difficulty: Easy
Chopping: Onion, halving zucchini
Time: 30 minutes
Make ahead: This will save well, but will be far less brothy after it sits. You could add more or eat leftovers more like pasta.

"A perfect version for early fall OR late winter!"